Saturday 7 April 2012

Feeding the Invaders - Day 7 NaPoWriMo animal poem

Feeding the Invaders          NapoWriMo            Day 7

The alternative would be to open our doors to toads and magpies, snakes, hawks and woodlouse spiders,
in the spirit of the woman who swallowed the fly.

Instead, after tea, dishes and making our lunches and five sugar-free jellies to soothe Frank's sore throat,
Then, I set to feeding the invaders.

I stuff shredded paper and last week's flowers in the corner the pill woodlouse likes, where no-one goes
and where it doesn't feel the need to contort it's carapace into a protective ball of antiquity.

I leave the mice toastcrumbs, peanut butter and three types of cheese
in the hope they won't touch my good, dark, unopened chocolate

set out a row of aphids on my rubber plant for the ladybird's pleasure

chop the Portobello mushrooms thinly to ease the slug's digestion

then I strip naked and fall asleep on top of the duvet offering all my skin
to the hot bite of the mosquito

Sarah L Dixon

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